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European Direct


As with Same Day deliveries, requests for European deliveries tend to be of a Time Critical, Fragile or High Value nature.


We offer two types of European service, Premium and Standard to suit all budgets and needs.  With both options the driver that collects is the one that delivers.


When we're asked to take on a European job we know its important.  As well as our own vehicles we have access to thousands of live vehicles nationwide through our membership of the Courier Exchange.


'Our drivers are experienced in driving on the continent and are equipped with both the knowledge and equipment to ensure your goods travel in the shortest possible time, safely and without issue.'


We provide CMR Insurance as standard and as the good travel direct with a named driver and not via network we remain in constant contact should you require updates en route.


Types of loads usually carried include...


  • Urgent Samples

  • Machine Parts

  • High Value Loads

  • Fragile & AWD Loads







european couriers, european transport, couriers in europe
courier exchange

© 2013 by Humber Sameday Ltd. All rights reserved.

Company Reg No: 07172639

VAT Reg No: 103473944

​We understand and will exercise our statutory right to claim interest and compensation for debt recovery costs under the Late Payment Legislation if we are not paid according to agreed credit terms.

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